




Steve Johnson

For ecommerce entrepreneurs who want to make the most of their online business, high-quality content, full of advice, information and lessons learnt, running large ecommerce businesses in the UK and abroad.

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Digital Disruption

We are in a period of unprecedented digital disruption.  For many of us working in business the pace of change has never been so intense.  The business models of many traditional businesses across multiple industry sectors are being challenged.  Start-ups enter the market almost daily, without bricks and mortar stores or legacy technology to contend with. The challenge for many businesses is clear.  How do we turn the oil tanker around?  How can we move more quickly, how do we remain relevant? 

For start-ups, the advent of cloud computing and open source technology have broken down traditional barriers to entry that once stifled innovation.  Their challenge, how to scale as quickly as possible whilst continually delivering killer products and features to stay ahead of the competition. 

At either ends of this spectrum working in this field is both exciting and fast paced.  Being part of the next start-up or a make-or-break digital transformation offers both risk and reward.

The articles in this site provide advice on how best to deal with these challenges, based on my own personal experience of running some of the largest ecommerce websites in the UK and abroad.
